
Journal(s) :
Conference(s) :
  • Neha Aggarwal, N. Pandey, G. Singh, Y. Medury (2013). Baljees : Managing Transition in Family Owned Business. Proceedings of the Fourth Asian Invitational Conference on Family Business [Indian School of Business(ISB), Hyderabad : February 1-3,2013], pp.-.. Google Citation
  • Neha Aggarwal, Medury Y. (2013). Job Satisfaction among Faculty - A Case of Private Engineering Colleges in India. Proceedings of the National Conference on Paradigm for Sustainable Business: Peple, Planet and Profit [Indian Institute of Management(IIT), Roorkee : March 8-9, 2013], pp.28-.. Google Citation
  • Anupriya Kaur, P. Kahatri, S. Takkar (2013). An empirical study on e-buyer traits in tier two cities. Proceedings of the AIMS International Conference, IIM Banglore [ : January 6-9, 2013], pp.2660-.. Google Citation
  • S. Khanna, Amit Srivastava, Y. Medury (2013). Testing the Market Timing Theory of Capital Structure for Indian Firms. Proceedings of the International Research Conference [Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai : March 7-8, 2013], pp.-.. Google Citation