Civil Engineering

Dr. Saurabh Rawat

Dr. Saurabh Rawat
Associate Professor
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Biography :

Saurabh has completed his B-tech in civil engineering from G.B. Pant University, Pantnagar (Uttarakhand) in 2010. With his major in the Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental engineering, he has completed his M-Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi in the 2012.


Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering

Research Interests:

Soil Nailing, Ground Improvement, Geosynthetics, Slope Stabalization, Geoeonvironmental engineering, Biosolids, Municipal soilid waste mangement

Proposed Project Topics:

1. Bioremediation of topples/slopes
2. Environemental impact assessment of waste material in construction
3. Hybrid stone columns for ground improvement
4. Numerical modelling of helical anchor foundation
5. Degradation of greywater using photocatalysis

Author Publication Profile:
Book Chapter(s) :
Journal(s) :
Conference(s) :