Civil Engineering

Dr. Saurav

Dr. Saurav
Assistant Professor (SG)
( 91)01792-239388;
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Biography :

Dr. Saurav is currently working as Assistant Professor (SG) in the Department of Civil Engineering at Jaypee University of Information Technology (JUIT) Waknaghat, Solan, Himachal Pradesh-India since July, 2018. He had joined Jaypee University of Information Technology in July 2012 as lecturer and then promoted to present post in successive years. He has obtained his Ph.D from JUIT, Waknaghat in 2018 and M.Tech in Civil Engineering with specialization in Structural Engineering from IITBHU, Varanasi in 2012. He obtained his B.Tech degree in Civil Engineering from BIT Sindri, Dhanbad (Govt. of Jharkhand) in 2009. He has published many research papers in SCI and Scopus indexed journals and also published papers in National and International conferences.  He is also reviewer of many Scopus indexed journals. He has been called by many reputed engineering institutes across India for delivery expert lectures on recent trends and advances in Concrete materials. His areas of interest are Concrete Materials, Structural Rehabilitation, Design of composite structures and masonry structures. He is presently faculty Co Coordinator of Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA), scheme under MHRD, Gov. of India. He has supervised ten Post graduates (M.Tech) Thesis till date and currently supervising two Ph.D students. 


Structural Engineering

Research Interests:

Concrete Materials, Finite Element Modelling, Corrosion detection and Prediction, Structural health Monitoring

Proposed Project Topics:

B.Tech Project Topics

1. Assessment of Structural Behavior of Non-corroded and Corroded RCC Beams Using Finite Element Method
2. Optimization assessment of Jib crane beams using Finite element methodsg
3. Application of Geo polymer concrete
4. Replacement of Coarse Aggregates with Jhamma Bricks for low strength Concrete
5. Enhancement of characteristic strength and durability of brick masonry

M.Tech Project Topics

1. Shear behaviour and design of doubly symmetric hollow flange beam with web openings
2. Enhancing the strength properties of recycled aggregate concrete through the use of supplementary cementing materials
3. Mathematical and Numerical modelling of Confined Brick Masonry under Uniaxial loading
4. Effect of high velocity Projectile on concrete Panel

Author Publication Profile:
Book(s) :
Book Chapter(s) :
Journal(s) :
Conference(s) :