JPubDB : JUIT Publication Database
Book(s) :
- Shruti Jain (2011). Synthetic Biology: Towards Digital Circuit Mauritius : VDM Veralag. [ISBN : 978-3639338119] . Google Search
- (2011). Proceedings of Workshop on Construction of Dams & Tunnels in Weak Rocks Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan, H.P., India : Central Board of Irrigation & Power. [ISBN : ] . Google Search
- (2011). Image Information Processing, Proceedings of IEEE Second International Conference on (CFP1169N-ART ) Waknaghat, Himachal Pradesh, INDIA : IEEE: USA. [ISBN : 978-1-61284-861-7] . Google Search
Journal(s) :
- Anil Kumar, Jasbir Singh (2011). 'Awareness and use of library information resources and services in different Universities libraries in Delhi. Journal of Library & Information Technology, 7 (7), 19-, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Sumit Vardhan, Rajiv Kumar (2011). Simulations for Time-Delay Compensation in Networked Control Systems. Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT), 2011 (2011), 38-43, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Ashok Kumar Mittal, Ashok Kumar Gupta (2011). Intriguing structures in iterative maps motivated by N-body problem. Journal of Physics, 285 (1), 012014-1-012014-8, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/285/1/012014 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Anupriya Kaur, Y. Medury (2011). Impact of the internet on teenagers influence on family purchases. Young Consumers, 12 (1), 27-38, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Amit Srivastava, Y. Medury (2011). An Overview of Indias Intra - Industry Trade. Asia-Pacific Business Review, 7 (1), 153-160, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Viranjay M. Srivastava, K. S. Yadav, Ghanshyam Singh (2011). Analysis of double-gate CMOS for double-pole four-throw RF switch design at 45-nm technology . Journal of Computational Electronics, 10 (2011), 229-240, DOI: 10.1007/s10825-011-0359-6 [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Sanjeev Patel, Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Arjun Garg, Prateek Mehrotra, Manish Chhabra (2011). Comparative Analysis of Congestion Control Algorithms Using ns-2 . International Journal of Computer Science Issues, 8 (5), 89-, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Ghanshyam Singh (2011). A Framework of Creating Intelligent Power Profiles in Operating Systems to Minimize Power Consumption and Greenhouse Effect Caused by Computer Systems. Journal of Green Engineering, 1 (2), 145-163, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Poonam Sharma (2011). Physico-Chemical Interactions Of Triton In Aqueous Lysozyme Solution. Physical Chemistry: An Indian Journal , 6 (3), 119-124, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Biplab De, Avijit Chakraborty, Tandrima Majumder, S. Chanda, Binoy Behari Goswami (2011). Evaluation of Spermicidal and Antimicrobial Activities of Methanolic Extract of Leucas aspera and Structural Elucidation of Separated Active Component. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 23 (2), 826-828, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Biplab De, Avijit Chakraborty, Tandrima Majumder, S. Chanda, Binoy Behari Goswami (2011). Phytochemical and Therapeutic Evaluation of an Ethnomedicinal Plant of Tripura: Mimosa pudica. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 23 (2), 823-, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Yashwant Singh, Manu Sood, Tarun Gupta, Atish Thakur (2011). Incorporating AOSD to Enhance Model Driven Architecture. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 4 (1), 18-22, DOI: 10.4236/jsea.2011.41003 []. Google Citation
- Ragini Raj Singh, Partha Bir Barman (2011). Mercury Cadmium Telluride: Growth Properties and applications (Book Review). Current Science, 101 (9), 1225-1225, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Shruti Jain, Pradeep K. Naik, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan (2011). A Computational Model for Cell Survival/Death using Petri nets. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 6 (5), 545-552, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Nitin, Ankush Bansal, Siddhartha Mahadev Sharma, Kapil Kumar, Anuj Aggarwal, Sheenu Goyal, Kanika Choudhary, Kunal Chawla, Kunal Jain, Manav Bhasin (2011). Classification of Flames in Computer Mediated Communications. International Journal of Computer Applications, 14 (6), 21-, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Ravi Rastogi, Amit Singh, Nikhil Singhal, Nitin, Durg Singh Chauhan. (2011). Case Tool: Fast Interconnections with New 3-Disjoint Paths MIN Simulation Module. International Journal of Computer Applications, 19 (6), 24-, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Pooja Jain, Deepak Dahiya (2011). Knowledge Management System Design using Extended Gaia. International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications, 3 (1), 140-152, DOI: 10.5121/ijcnc.2011.3109 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Shri Ram, John Paul Anbu K, Sanjay Kataria (2011). Responding to user’s expectation in the library: innovative Web 2.0 applications at JUIT Library: A case study. Program-Electronic Library And Information Systems , 45 (4), 452-469, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Nirupma Prakash (2011). Impact of Education on Health of Rural Women : A Case Study. University News, Journal of Higher Education, 49 (9), 20-, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Anupriya Kaur, Yajulu Medury (2011). Impact of familial characteristics on Indian children's influence in family purchases. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 4 (1), 104-122, DOI: 10.1504/IJICBM.2011.037428 []. Google Citation
- P. K. Gupta, Sanjeev Patel, Arjun Garg,Prateek Mehrotra, Manish Chhabra (2011). Comparative Analysis of Congestion control Algorithms using NS-2. International Journal of Computer Science Issues, 8 (5), 89-, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Pradeep Kumar Naik, Shiv Kumar Gupta (2011). Abstract model of fault tolerance algorithm in cloud computing communication networks. International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, 3 (9), 3283-3290, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Nitin, Ankush Bansal, Deepak Khazanchi (2011). Understanding Perceived Flaming Tendencies on Social Networking Sites: An Exploratory Study. Issues in Information Systems, 12 (1), 425-435, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Ved Prakash Bhardwaj, Nitin (2011). Minimizing the Switch and Link Conflicts in an Optical Multi-stage Interconnection Network. International Journal of Computer Science Issues, 8 (4), 206-, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Shaily Mittal, Nitin (2011). A Resolution for Shared Memory Conflict in Multiprocessor System-on-a-Chip. International Journal of Computer Science Issues, 8 (4), 503-, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Ravi Rastogi, Nitin, Durg Singh Chauhan, Mahesh Chandra Govil (2011). Disjoint Paths Multi-stage Interconnection Networks Stability Problem. International Journal of Computer Science Issues, 8 (4), 260-, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Ravi Rastogi, Nitin, Durg Singh Chauhan, Mahesh Chandra Govil (2011). On Stability Problems of Omega and 3-Disjoint Paths Omega Multi-stage Interconnection Networks. International Journal of Computer Science Issues, 8 (4), 66-, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Baljot Kaur Chawla, Akansha Gupta, Amit Kumar Singh (2011). Biometric Recognition System: A Review. International Journal of Information Technology and Information Engineering, 2 (1), 1-7, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- A.K. Sharma, Abhilash Shukla , C.K.Singh (2011). Model Analysis of Cold Formed Steel Residential Structure for Application to Seismic Design. International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, 4 (6), 577-, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Abhilash Shukla , C.K.Singh, A.K. Sharma (2011). Study of the Properties of Concrete by Partial Replacement of Ordinary Portland Cement by Rice Husk Ash . International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, 4 (6), 965-, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Anil Kumar, Rajesh Goyal, Ashok Kumar Gupta (2011). Experimental Study of Effects of Micro Silica and Steel Fibres on High Strength Concrete. Global Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 1 (3), 153-, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Sunanda, N. Sharma, Pankaj Sharma, Vineet Sharma (2011). Physical analysis of structural transformation in Ge incorporated a-SbxSe100-x system. Defects and Diffusion Forum, 316-317 (2011), 45-53, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- K. Kumar, Vineet Sharma, Pankaj Sharma, N. Thakur (2011). Electrical and Dielectric Properties of Te15(Se100-xBix)85 Amorphous Glassy Alloys. Defects and Diffusion Forum, 316-317 (2011), 69-80, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- R. Kumar, P. Sharma, Pankaj Sharma, V S Rangra (2011). Effect of Sn addition on physical properties of Se-Te glassy semiconductors. Journal of Non-Oxide Glasses , 3 (2), 45-54, DOI: []. Google Citation
- K. Kumar, Pankaj Sharma, S. S. Bhatt, N. Thakur (2011). Thermal and optical study of Te15(Se100-xBix)85 (x = 0, 1, 3) chalcogenide glasses. Journal of Nano and Electronic Physics, 3 (1), 404-408, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- K. Kumar, Pankaj Sharma, S C Katyal, N. Thakur (2011). Effect of Bi addition on dc, ac conductivity and dielectric properties of Te15(Se100-xBix)85 glassy alloys. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 13 (4), 371-376, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- K. Kumar, Pankaj Sharma, S C Katyal, N. Thakur (2011). Optical parameters of ternary Te15(Se100-xBix)85 thin films deposited by thermal evaporation. Physica Scripta, 84 (4), 1-8, DOI: 10.1088/0031-8949/84/04/045703 [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Chandan Singh, Vineet Sharma, Pradeep Kumar Naik, Vikas Khandelwal, Harvinder Singh (2011). A Green Biogenic Approach for Synthesis of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles using Zingiber Officinale. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 6 (2), 535-542, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- M.Mahajan, T Chakravarty, Sunil Kumar Khah (2011). Input Impedance of Asymmetrically Loaded Annular Ring Antenna. Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, 3 (3), 90-93, DOI: 10.4236/jemaa.2011.33015 []. Google Citation
- Bhasker Gupta, Davinder Singh Saini (2011). Performance improvement in OFDM system with near Shannon turbo codes. International Journals of Systems Simulation, 5 (1), 79-, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Shruti Jain, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan, Pradeep Kumar Naik (2011). Mathematical modeling deciphering balance between cell survival and cell death using insulin. Network Biology, 1 (1), 46-58, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Shruti Jain, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan, Pradeep Kumar Naik (2011). Mathematical modeling deciphering balance between cell survival and cell death using Tumor Necrosis Factor α. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2 (3), 574-583, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- P. Kumar, Ghanshyam Singh (2011). Theoretical Investigation of the Input Impedance of Gap-Coupled Circular Microstrip Patch Antennas Loaded with Shorting Post. Journal of Computational Electronics, 10 (2011), 195-200, DOI: 10.1007/s10825-010-0342-7 [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Viranjay M. Srivastava, K. S. Yadav, Ghanshyam Singh (2011). Capacitive model and S-parameters of Double-Pole Four-Throw Double-Gate RF CMOS Switch. Wireless Engineering and Technology, 2 (1), 15-22, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Viranjay M. Srivastava, K S Yadav, Ghanshyam Singh (2011). Design and performance analysis of double gate MOSFET over single-gate MOSFET for RF switch. Microelectronics Journal, 42 (3), 527-534, DOI: [, SCI ]. Google Citation
- K. R. Jha, Ghanshyam Singh (2011). Analysis of narrow terahertz microstrip transmission line on multi-layered substrate. Journal of Computational Electronics, 10 (2011), 186-194, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Viranjay M. Srivastava, K. S. Yadav, Ghanshyam Singh (2011). Analysis of double gate CMOS for double pole four through RF switch design at 45-nm technology. Journal of Computational Electronics, 10 (2011), 229-240, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- K R Jha, Ghanshyam Singh (2011). Performance Analysis of an Open-Loop Resonator Loaded Terahertz Microstrip Antenna. Microelectronics Journal, 42 (7), 950-956, DOI: [, SCI ]. Google Citation
- Viranjay M. Srivastava, K. S. Yadav, Ghanshyam Singh (2011). Characterization Process of MOSFET with Virtual Instrumentation for DP4T RF Switch-A Review. Wireless Sensor Network, 3 (8), 300-305, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Viranjay M. Srivastava, K. S. Yadav, Ghanshyam Singh (2011). Measurement Process of MOSFET Device parameters with VEE Pro Software for DP4T RF Switch. International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences, 4 (9), 590-600, DOI: 10.4236/ijcns.2011.49071 []. Google Citation
- K R Jha, Ghanshyam Singh (2011). Design of highly directive cavity type terahertz antenna for wireless communication. Optics Communications, 284 (20), 4996-5002, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Viranjay M. Srivastava, K S Yadav, Ghanshyam Singh (2011). Design and performance analysis of cylindrical surrounding double gate MOSFET for RF switch. Microelectronics Journal, 42 (10), 1124-1135, DOI: [, SCI ]. Google Citation
- Ghanshyam Singh (2011). Optimization of spectrum management issues for cognitive radio. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, 3 (4), 263-267, DOI: 10.4304/jetwi.3.4.263-267 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Vivek K Dwivedi, Ghanshyam Singh (2011). Error-rate analysis of the OFDM for correlated Nakagami-m fading channel by using maximal-ratio combining diversity. International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 3 (6), 717-726, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Vipin Balyan, Davinder Singh Saini (2011). Integrating new calls and performance improvement in OVSF based CDMA networks. International Journal of computers and communications, 5 (2), 35-, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Davinder Singh Saini (2011). Reducing Wastage Capacity in OVSF Based CDMA Networks using Dynamic Rake Combiners. WSEAS Transactions on Communications, 10 (6), 163-174, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Davinder Singh Saini, Neeru Sharma (2011). Performance Improvement in OVSF based CDMA Networks Using Flexible Assignment of Data Calls. International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications, 3 (6), 197-, DOI: 10.5121/ijcnc.2011.3613 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Anwar T, Mathur A, Mathur G, Rajinder S. Chauhan (2011). Statistical optimization for the co-production and partial characterization of thermo-halotolerant lipase and amylase from halotolerant Bacillus subtilis strain JPBW-9. World Journal of Science and Technology (WJST), 1 (10), 54-, DOI: []. Google Citation
- A. Sharma, Rajinder S. Chauhan (2011). Repertoire of SSRs in the Castor Bean Genome and Their Utilization in Genetic Diversity Analysis in Jatropha curcas. Comparative and Functional Genomics, 2011 (Article ID 286089), 1-9, DOI: 10.1155/2011/286089 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Hemant Sood, Rajinder S. Chauhan (2011). Different Tissue Culture Parameters used for Increased Shoot Biomass and its Enrichment for a Medicinal Compound, Picroside-1 in an Endangered Herb. Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth Res Bioscientia, 2 (4), 13-, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Taru Prasad, Zain Taha, Rajinder S. Chauhan, Hemant Sood (2011). Improvising procedures of micropropagation of Gerbera jamesonii for cost effectiveness and their commercial production. International Journal for Applied Engineering and Research, 6 (5), 1135-1140, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Chanderdeep Tandon, Chaudhary P., Rajinder S. Chauhan (2011). Mechanisms and animal models of aortic calcification. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences, 4 (1), 1-13, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Simran Tandon, Amrita Arora, Sonali Singh, Jitender Monga, Shagun Arora (2011). Antioxidant Profiling of Triticum aestivum (wheatgrass) and its Antiproliferative Activity In MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cell Line. Journal of Pharmacy Research, 4 (12), 4601-, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Raj Kumar Tiwari, S. Chanda, Bagga Manish (2011). Microneedles in Transdermal Drug Delivery: a Unique Painless Option. International Research Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (4), 72-82, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Raj Kumar Tiwari, S. Chanda (2011). Garlic as food, spice and Medicine: as Perpective. Journal of Pharmacy Research, 4 (6), 1857-1860, DOI: []. Google Citation
- B. De, R. Deb, M. Rudrapal, M. Debnath, R. Choudhury, Raj Kumar Tiwari (2011). Antimicrobial and analgesic activity of few traditional dishes of tribal people of tripura, India. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 5 (1), 461-470, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Arun Gupta, Dinesh Chaukiker, Tiratha Raj Singh (2011). Comparative analysis of computational epitope predictions: proposed library of putative vaccine candidates for HIV. Bioinformation, 5 (9), 386-389, DOI: 10.6026/97320630005386 []. Google Citation
- Tiratha Raj Singh (2011). Phylogenetic Networks: Concepts, Algorithms and Applications. Current Science, 100 (10), 1570-1571, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Sandeep Vyas, Benu Manon, Tej Vir Singh, Pritam Dev Sharma, Manu Sharma (2011). O-Acyl (-)-epicatechin gallate prodrugs as inhibitors of DMBA/TPA induced squamous cell carcinoma of skin in Swiss albino mice. Chemistry and Biodiversity, 8 (4), 599-613, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Kumari M, Sudhir Kumar, Ravikanth K, Rajinder S. Chauhan (2011). Bioconversion of herbal industry waste into vermicompost using an epigeic earthworm Eudrilus eugeniae. Waste Management and Research, 29 (11), 1205-1212, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Nema A, Aishwarya, Bajaj P, Harvinder Singh, Sudhir Kumar (2011). A case study: biomedical waste management practices at city hospital in Himachal Pradesh. Waste Management and Research, 29 (6), 669-676, DOI: 10.1177/0734242X10396753 [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Jitendra Kumar, Harvinder Singh, Gyan P. Mishra, Ravi B.Srivastava, Pradeep Kumar Naik (2011). Congruence of inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) and random amplification of polymorphic deoxyribonucleic acid (RAPD) markers in genetic characterization of Artemisia annua in the Trans-Himalayan region. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 5 (23), 5568-, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Manish S Bhoyar, Gyan P. Mishra, Pradeep Kumar Naik, R.B. Srivastava (2011). Estimation of antioxidant activity and total phenolics among natural populations of Capparis spinosa leaves collected from cold arid desert of trans-Himalayas. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 5 (7), 912-919, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Pradeep Kumar Naik, Piyush Ranjan, Pooja Kesari, Sankalp Jain (2011). MetalloPred: A tool for hierarchical prediction of metal ion binding proteins using cluster of neural networks and sequence derived features. Journal of Biophysical Chemistry, 2 (2), 112-122, DOI: 10.4236/jbpc.2011.22014 []. Google Citation
- Pani A, Mahapatra RK, Behera N, Pradeep Kumar Naik (2011). Computational identification of sweet wormwood (Artemisia annua) microRNA and their mRNA targets. Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, 9 (6), 200-210, DOI: 10.1016/S1672-0229(11)60023-5 [SCOPUS , SCI , UGC Care ]. Google Citation
- Priyadarshini Pathak, Pradeep Kumar Naik, Dipankar Sengupta, Shrawan K. Singh, Chanderdeep Tandon (2011). Mode of interaction of calcium oxalate crystal with human phosphate cytidylyltransferase 1: a novel inhibitor purified from human renal stone matrix. Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 4 (9), 591-598, DOI: 10.4236/jbise.2011.49075 []. Google Citation
- Pradeep Kumar Naik, Mani Srivastava, Prasad Bajaj, Sankalp Jain, Abhishek Dubey, Piyush Ranjan, Rishay Kumar, Harvinder Singh (2011). The Binding Modes and Binding Affinities of Artemisinin Derivatives with Plasmodium falciparum Ca2+-ATPase (PfATP6. Journal of Molecular Modeling, 17 (2011), 333-357, DOI: 10.1007/s00894-010-0726-4 [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Pradeep Kumar Naik, Biswa Prasun Chatterji, Surya N. Vangapandu, Ritu Aneja, Ramesh Chandra, Srinivas Kanteveri, Harish C. Joshi (2011). Rational design, synthesis and biological evaluations of amino-noscapine: A high affinity tubulin-binding noscapinoid. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design, 25 (2011), 443-454, DOI: 10.1007/s10822-011-9430-4 [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Neeraj Gandotra, Rakesh Kumar Bajaj, Nitin Gupta (2011). On Some Reliability Properties of Mean Inactivity Time under Weighing. International Journal of Computer Applications, 30 (3), 28-, DOI: 10.5120/3622-5057 []. Google Citation
- Tanuj Kumar, Rakesh Kumar Bajaj, Nitin Gupta (2011). On Some Parametric Generalized Measures of Fuzzy Information, Directed Divergence and Information Improvement. International Journal of Computer Applications, 30 (9), 5-, DOI: 10.5120/3666-5185 []. Google Citation
- Karanjeet Singh, R. K. Gupta, Sachin Kumar (2011). Exact Solutions of b-family Equation: Classical Lie Approach and Direct Method. International Journal of Nonlinear Science, 11 (1), 59-, DOI: []. Google Citation
- Kumar P., Ghanshyam Singh (2011). Theoretical computation of input impedance of gap-coupled circular microstrip patch antennas loaded with shorting post. Journal of Computational Electronics, 10 (2011), 195-200, DOI: 10.1007/s10825-010-0342-7 [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Gupta R.K., Karanjeet Singh (2011). Symmetry analysis and some exact solutions of cylindrically symmetric null fields in general relativity. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 16 (11), 4189-4196, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Sharma N., Sharda S., Vineet Sharma, Pankaj Sharma (2011). Structural rigidity, percolation and transition-temperature study of the Ge19Se81-xSbx system. Defects and Diffusion Forum, 316-317 (2011), 37-44, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Shri Ram (2011). Research output on Artemisia (Artemisia Annua): A bibliometric study. Annals of Library and Information Studies, 58 (3), 237-, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Santoshi S., Pradeep Kumar Naik, Joshi H.C. (2011). Rational design of novel anti-microtubule agent (9-azido-noscapine) from quantitative structure activity relationship (QSAR) evaluation of noscapinoids. Journal of Biomolecular Screening, 16 (9), 1047-1058, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Korekar G., Stobdan T., Harvinder Singh, Chaurasia O., Singh S. (2011). Phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of various solvent extracts from seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) fruit pulp, seeds, leaves and stem bark. Acta Alimentaria, 40 (4), 449-458, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Maheshwari S., Mohan J., D.S. Chauhan (2011). Novel Cascadable All-Pass/Notch Filters Using a Single FDCCII and Grounded Capacitors. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 30 (2011), 643-654, DOI: 10.1007/s00034-010-9238-9 [SCOPUS , SCI , UGC Care ]. Google Citation
- Pradeep Kumar Naik, Santoshi S., Rai A., Joshi H.C. (2011). Molecular modelling and competition binding study of Br-noscapine and colchicine provide insight into noscapinoid–tubulin binding site. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 29 (7), 947-955, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Nitin Rakesh, Tyagi V. (2011). Linear-code multicast on parallel architectures. Advances in Engineering Software, 42 (12), 1074-1088, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Sanghmitra Nayak, Kaur T., Mohanty S., Ghosh G., Choudhury R., Acharya L., Subudhi E. (2011). In vitro and ex vitro evaluation of long-term micropropagated turmeric as analyzed through cytophotometry, phytoconstituents, biochemical and molecular markers. Plant Growth Regulation, 64 (1), 91-98 , DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Pranay Chaudhuri, Thompson H. (2011). Improved Self-Stabilizing Algorithms for L(2, 1)-Labeling Tree Networks. Mathematics in Computer Science, 5 (2011), 27-39, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Monga J., Chauhan C.S., Manu Sharma (2011). Human epithelial carcinoma cytotoxicity and inhibition of DMBA/TPA induced squamous cell carcinoma in Balb/c mice by Acacia catechu heartwood. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 63 (11), 1470-1482, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Gupta N., Sharma S.K., Rana J.C., Rajinder S. Chauhan (2011). Expression of flavonoid biosynthesis genes vis-Ã -vis rutin content variation in different growth stages of Fagopyrum species. Journal of Plant Physiology, 168 (17), 2117-2123, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Maheshwari S., Singh S.V., D.S. Chauhan (2011). Electronically tunable low-voltage mixed-mode universal biquad filter. IET Circuits, Devices and Systems, 5 (3), 149-158, DOI: 10.1049/iet-cds.2010.0061 [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Sharma I., Tripathi S.K., Partha Bir Barman (2011). Effect of deposition parameters and semi-empirical relations between non-linear refractive index with linear refractive index and third order susceptibility for a-Ge 20Se 70-xIn 10Bi x thin films. Journal of Applied Physics, 110 (4), 043108-, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Manu Sharma, Rakhi A., Dalal N., Sharma N. (2011). Design, synthesis and evaluation of lantadene A congener with hydroxyl functionality in ring A as an antitumour agent. Natural Product Research, 25 (4), 387-396, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Ahuja V., Yajulu Medury (2011). Corporate blogs as tools for consumer segmentation-using cluster analysis for consumer profiling. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, 19 (2011), 173-182, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Sinha N., Ahuja V., Yajulu Medury (2011). Corporate blogs and internet marketing - Using consumer knowledge and emotion as strategic variables to develop consumer engagement. Journal of Database Marketing and Customer Strategy Management, 18 (3), 185-199, DOI: [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Garima Mathur, Ashwani Mathur, Ramasare Prasad (2011). Colonization and degradation of thermally oxidized high-density polyethylene by aspergillus niger (ITCC No. 6052) isolated from plastic waste dumpsite. Bioremediation Journal, 15 (2), 69-76, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI , UGC Care ]. Google Citation
- Maheshwari S., Jitendra Mohan, D.S. Chauhan (2011). Cascadable all-pass and notch filter configurations employing two plus-type DDCCs. Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 20 (2), 329-347, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Karanjeet Singh, Gupta R.K., Kumar S. (2011). Benjamin-Bona-Mahony (BBM) equation with variable coefficients: Similarity reductions and Painlevé analysis. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217 (16), 7021-7027, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Mahajan M., Tapas Chakarvarty, Sunil Kumar Khah (2011). Asymmetrically loaded annular ring antenna. AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 65 (11), 954-957, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Monga J., Manu Sharma, Tailor N., Ganesh N. (2011). Antimelanoma and radioprotective activity of alcoholic aqueous extract of different species of Ocimum in C 57BL mice. Pharmaceutical Biology, 49 (4), 428-436, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Rakesh N., Nitin (2011). Analysis of Multi-Sort Algorithm on Multi-Mesh of Trees (MMT) architecture. Journal of Supercomputing, 57 (2011), 276-313, DOI: 10.1007/s11227-010-0404-4 [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Jha K.R., Ghanshyam Singh (2011). Analysis and design of enhanced directivity microstrip antenna at terahertz frequency by using electromagnetic bandgap material. International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, 24 (5), 410-424, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Garg R.M., Deepak Dahiya (2011). An aspect oriented component based archetype driven development. Journal of Information Technology Research, 4 (3), 29-49, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-3625-5.ch013 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Agrawal A., Pranay Chaudhuri (2011). An algorithm for task scheduling in heterogeneous distributed systems using task duplication. International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing, 3 (1), 89-98, DOI: 10.4018/jghpc.2011010105 [SCOPUS ]. Google Citation
- Kumar Rajneesh, Katyal S.C., Sharma Parikshit, Pankaj Sharma, Rangra V.S. (2011). A study of Sn addition on bonding arrangement of Se-Te alloys using far infrared transmission spectroscopy. Journal of Applied Physics, 110 (1), 013505-, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Dwivedi V.K., Ghanshyam Singh (2011). A novel moment generating function based performance analysis over correlated Nakagami-m fading channels. Journal of Computational Electronics, 10 (2011), 373-381, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
Conference(s) :
- S. Chauhan, D. S. Rana, Poonam Sharma (2011). Viscometric and Acoustical studies of Phospholipid- Proline interaction in Ethanol. Proceedings of the : National Symposium on chemistry innovations for human well being [Department of Chemistry, HPU Shimla : (21-22 Oct 2011)], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Varun Bhardwaj, Poonam Sharma, S. Chauhan, M S Chauhan (2011). Conductometric Study: An Eminent Approach to Prosecute Micellar Behavior of SDS in Aqueous Media Containing Butylated Hydroxyanisole. Proceedings of the National conference Chemical Constellation Cheminar [National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab. : 20-21, August, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Dilbag Singh , Rajender Sharma, Rajni, Poonam Sharma, M.S. Chauhan (2011). Micellization Behaviour SDS and CTAB in Aqueous Mixtures of Nmethyacetamide (A study of effect of structural sequences of intermolecular interactions). Proceedings of the National Conference in Frontiers in Polymer Science [Department of Chemistry, H.P. University, Shimla. : 18-19 November 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Bhalla A., Kunreddy V., Sudhir Kumar, Bischoff KM., Christopher LP., Hughes SR., Sani RK. (2011). Thermostable Cellulases and Xylanases. . Proceedings of the AIChE, Annual Meeting, Minneapolis Convention Center, [Convention Center, Minneapolis, USA : 16-21 October, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Bhalla A., Kunreddy V., Sudhir Kumar, Bischoff KM., Hughes S., Sani RK. (2011). Enhanced Lignocellulose Conversion Using Thermophilic Microbes and their Thermostable Enzymes. . Proceedings of the Thermophiles Conference [Big Sky, Montana, USA : 11-16 september 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Anil Kumar, Jasbir Singh (2011). Role of Information Technology to support Library Services in Higher Education. Proceedings of the Enhancing Users : Satisfaction through I.T. application in libraries [Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Muradabad (UP), India : 23-24 April 2011], pp.233-.. Google Citation
- Adesh Kumar, Vipan Kumar Sharma (2011). Information Communication Technology and Modern Libraries. Proceedings of the National Conference on Trends and Issues for Academic Libraries in Digital Era [Moti Lal Rastogi School of Management, Lucknow (UP) in associated with SLA-Asian Chapter. : 29th May, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Sumit Vardhan, Rajiv Kumar (2011). An Implementation of Time-Delay Compensation Scheme for. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN), [Gwalior, India : 7-9 October, 2011], pp.149-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Vineet Sharma, Poonam Sharma, Pankaj Sharma (2011). Heating Changes on the Photoconductive Behaviour of SeTeSn Thin Film. . Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science (RTMS-11) [JUIT Waknaghat : October 8-10, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Varun Bhardwaj, S. Chauhan, M. S. Chauhan, Poonam Sharma (2011). MIcellar Behavior of SDs in Aqueous Media Containing ButylatedHydroxyanisole: a conductometric study. Proceedings of the Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials science (RTMS-2011) [1st : Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan, Himachal Pradesh : 8-10 October, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Rachit Mohan Garg, Kapil Saini, Yamini Sood (2011). Cost control and quality maintenance metrics for component-based software development. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Communication, Network, and Computing [2nd : Banglore, India : March 10-11, 2011], pp.478-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Ashwani Kumar, Mohd Dilshad Ansari, Jabir Ali, Kapil Saini (2011). A New Buyer-Seller Watermarking Protocol with Discrete Cosine Transform. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Communication, Network, and Computing [2nd : Bangalore, India : March 10-11, 2011], pp.468-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Meenakshi Arya, Rajesh Sidhavatam (2011). A novel biometric watermaking approach using. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology and Mobile Communication [Nagpur, India : April 21-22, 2011. ], pp.123-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Singh A.K., Aggarwal A., Vashisht M., Rajesh Sidhavatam (2011). Robot motion planning in a dynamic environment using offset Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS). Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology [Auburn : 14-16 March 2011], pp.312-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Ranvijay, Rama Shankar Yadav, Arvind Kumar, Smriti Agrawal (2011). Energy Management for Energy Harvesting Real Time System with Dynamic Voltage Scaling. Proceedings of the International Conferences on Trends in Network and Communications [Chennai, India : July 15-17, 2011], pp.536-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Tarun Gupta, Vipin Tyagi (2011). A Novel Approach for Task Processing through NEST Network in a Grid. Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Architecture and Grid Computing [Chandigarh, India : July 19-20, 2011], pp.24-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Nitin Rakesh, Vipin Tyagi (2011). Efficient broadcasting in parallel networks using network coding. Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel, Distributed Computing Technologies and Applications [Tirunelveli, India : September 23-25, 2011], pp.484-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Meenakshi Arya, Nikita Jain, Jai Sisodia, Nukul Sehgal (2011). DNA encoding based feature extraction for biometric watermarking. Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Information Processing [Solan : 3-5 Nov. 2011], pp.1-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- S.P. Singh, Viranjay M. Srivastava (2011). Implementation of digital neuron cell using 8-bit activation function. Proceedings of the Nirma University International Conference on Engineering [Ahmedabad, Gujarat : 8-10 Dec. 2011], pp.1-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Mayank Saini, Dharmendra Sharma (2011). Tuning topical queries for effective information retrieval. Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Information Processing [Solan, India : 3-5 Nov. 2011], pp.-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Manish Chhabra, Abhishek Gupta, Anubhav Mangal, Prateek Mehrotra, Parminder Singh Reel (2011). Social networking: A new vision of e-learning. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Information Technology [1st : Pune, India : November 7-8, 2011], pp.762-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Manish Chhabra, Abhishek Gupta, Prateek Mehrotra, Smarti Reel (2011). Automated Detection of Fully and Partially Riped Mango by Machine Vision. Proceedings of the International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving [Roorki, India : December 20-22, 2011], pp.153-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- R.S. Raja Durai, M. Devi (2011). Construction of (N + M) Direct codes in GF(2N). Proceedings of the World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies [Mumbai : 11-14 December 2011], pp.766-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- R.S. Raja Durai (2011). A class of optimal complete-complementary codes of different length. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Signal Design and its Applications in Communications [5th : Guilin : 10-14 Oct. 2011], pp.92-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Rachit Patel, N. Agarwal, Ankit Agarwal (2011). Reduction of Power Consumption by using Demultiplexer Circuitry in ALU Designing. Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Networks and Computer Communications [Udaipur, India : 22-24 April 2011], pp.248-.. Google Citation
- V M Srivastava, Ghanshyam Singh, K S Yadav (2011). Effect of Gate Finger on Double-Gate MOSFET for RF Switch at 45-nm Technology. Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT), 2011 [Katra, Jammu, India : June 3-5, 2011], pp.464-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Triambica Gautam, Naina Mittal, Puru Gupta, (2011). Role of Soft Skills in Developing Future Technocrats. Proceedings of the International Conference on Consultation & Experience Sharing on the Role of Humanities & Social Sciences in Holistic Development of Future Technocrats - Looking Ahead [JUIT, Solan, H.P. India. : September 23-24, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Triambica Gautam, Khyati Garg, Kriti Agarwal (2011). Role of Spiritual Organisations in Holistic Development of Technocrats. Proceedings of the International Conference on Consultation & Experience Sharing on the Role of Humanities & Social Sciences in Holistic Development of Future Technocrats - Looking Ahead [JUIT, Solan, H.P. India. : September 23-24, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Triambica Gautam, Kriti Agarwal, Madhav Dhingra, Pratik Sharma (2011). ICT and Financial Management. Proceedings of the International Conference on Consultation & Experience Sharing on the Role of Humanities & Social Sciences in Holistic Development of Future Technocrats - Looking Ahead [JUIT, Solan, H.P. India. : September 23-24, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Triambica Gautam, Abhishek Narang, Gaurav Garg, Kanwaljot Singh (2011). Spreading the ICT revolution in Rural India. Proceedings of the International Conference on Consultation & Experience Sharing on the Role of Humanities & Social Sciences in Holistic Development of Future Technocrats - Looking Ahead [JUIT, Solan, H.P. India. : September 23-24, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Rashmi Chaudhary, S. Goyal, K. Jain (2011). Impact of Value Addition On Brand Loyalty- A Case Study of Nokia Cell Phones. Proceedings of the International Conference On Value Creation For Competitive Differentitaion: Emerging Business Models In The Global Economy [Prestige Institute Of Management And Research, Indore, (M.P.) : January 30-31, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Manika Sehgal, Tiratha Raj Singh (2011). Identification and analysis of biomarkers for mismatch repair proteins: A bioinformatic approach. Proceedings of the The International Interdisciplinary Science Conference on Bioinformatics: An interface between Computer Science and Biology [New Delhi, INDIA : 15-17, November 2011], pp.38-.. Google Citation
- Subodh Kumar Jain, Atul Nanda (2011). Critical state modeling of a plastic silt. Proceedings of the Proc., Numerical Methods for Optimal Geotechnical Designs [IIT Madras, India. : January 17-22, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Meenal A. Borkar, Nitin (2011). 3D-CGIN: A 3 Disjoint Paths CGIN with Alternate Source. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications [1st : Kochi India : July 22-24, 2011], pp.25-.. Google Citation
- Amit Kumar Singh, Satya Prakash Ghrera, Amrit Kumar Agrawal (2011). Fingerprint Feature Extraction Algorithm on Different Databases. Proceedings of the Indian Science Congress [98th : SRM University, Kattankulathur, Tamilnadu : January 3-7, 2011], pp.117-.. Google Citation
- Ved Prakash Bhardwaj, Nitin, Vipin Tyagi (2011). Fault Tolerant Multistage Multicasting Interconnection Networks. Proceedings of the INDIAN Science Congress [98th : Chennai, India : January 2011], pp.114-.. Google Citation
- Kapil Kumar, Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Roshan Parjapat (2011). New Mutants Generation for Testing Java Programs. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Communication, Network, and Computing [2nd : Bangalore, India : March 10-11, 2011. ], pp.290-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Hemant Sood, Pooja Tandon, Eva Ahuja, Shalki Shabnam, Rajinder S. Chauhan (2011). Optimization of in vitro liquid cultures for large scale production of commercially important Cymbidium species. Proceedings of the National Confrenec on Orchids in India: Diversity, Characterization and Resource Developmnet for Community Livelihood & Orchid Show [National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad, : December 21-23, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Bhatt Anu, Shubi Kansal, Rajinder S. Chauhan, Hemant Sood (2011). Cost-effective procedure for micropropagation of commercially important apple root stocks. . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Horizons in Biotechnology (NHBT-2011) [NIIST,CSIR,Trivandrum, India : November 21-24, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Kaur Navneet, Anu Bhatt, Rajinder S. Chauhan, Hemant Sood (2011). Optimization of culture conditions for the microrpropagation of medicinally important herb Swertiya chirayita . Proceedings of the International Conference on New Horizons in Biotechnology (NHBT-2011) [NIIST,CSIR,Trivandrum, India : November 21-24, 2011.], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Sandhu B Singh, Taru Prasad, Sanya Bakshi, Sneha Gulati, Rajinder S. Chauhan, Hemant Sood (2011). Use of biotic and abiotic elicitors for the in vitro production of picrosides in Picrorhiza kurroa. . Proceedings of the International conference on New Horizons In Biotechnology [8th Convention Of The Biotech Research Society, India (NHBT-2011). : NIIST, CSIR,Trivandrum, India. : November 21-24, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Ashish R Warghat, Prabodh K Bajpai, Ashutosh Murkute, Hemant Sood, R B Srivastva (2011). Morphometirc and genetic divergence among populations of Dactylorhiza hatagirea (Orchidaceae),a terrestrial orchid in the Himalayan regions of India.. Proceedings of the World Orchid Conference [20th : Singapore : November 13-20, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Ashish R Warghat, Prabodh K Bajpai, Ashutosh Murkute, Hemant Sood, R B Srivastva (2011). Morhological and Molecular differentiation among populations of Dactylorhiza hatagirea (orchidaceae),a critically endangered orchid in trans Himalaya. . Proceedings of the Internation Symposium on Genomics and Biodiversity [15th Adnat Convention : CCMB, Hyderabad, India : February 23-24, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Taru Prasad, Zain Taha, Rajinder S. Chauhan, Hemant Sood (2011). Improvising procedures of micropropagation of Gerbera jamesonii for cost effectiveness and their commercial production.. Proceedings of the National Conference on Converging Technologies beyond 2020 [Kurukshetra University, India. : April 6-7, 2011. ], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Saurabh Pandit, Hemant Sood, Rajinder S. Chauhan (2011). Biology of biosynthesis and accumulation of major chemical constituents in an endangered medicinal herb, PicrorhizakurroaRoyle ex Benth. Proceedings of the International conference on emerging trends on food and health security in cold desert [DIHAR, DRDO, Leh-Ladakh, India : September 23-25, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- C. Singh, Jatindra K Pradhan, Harvinder Singh (2011). Biosynthesis, Characterization and Antibacterial Activity of Silver Nanoparticles using Fenugreek Seeds. Proceedings of the International conference on nanomaterial and nanotechnology [(ICNANO-2011) : University of Delhi, India : December 18-21, 2011], pp.1173-.. Google Citation
- Jitendra Kumar, G.P. Mishra, R.B.Srivastava, Harvinder Singh, Pradeep K Naik (2011). Insilico mining and utilization of EST-SSR in genetic characterization of Artemisia annua population from Ladakh region. Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends on Food and Health Security in Cold Deserts [DIHAR, DRDO, Leh-Ladakh, India : September 23-25, 2011], pp.163-.. Google Citation
- S.Garg, N. Bhatia, S. Khosa, J. K. Pradhan, P.K. Naik, Harvinder Singh (2011). The Phylogenetic Relationship Between the Endangered Pheasant Species of Himalayan Region. Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends on Food and Health Security in Cold Deserts [DIHAR, DRDO, Leh-Ladakh, India : September 23-25, 2011], pp.163-.. Google Citation
- C. Singh, J. K. Pradhan, P.K. Naik, Harvinder Singh (2011). Green chemistry approach for the synthesis of biocompatible nanoparticles for application in cancer therapy. Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends on Food and Health Security in Cold Deserts [DIHAR, DRDO, Leh-Ladakh, India : September 23-25, 2011], pp.104-.. Google Citation
- C. Singh, Harvinder Singh (2011). Synthesis of gold nanoparticles using Trigonella foenum-graecum : A green biogenic approach. Proceedings of the Nanotechnology in advanced drug delivery [NIPER, Mohali, Punjab, India : February 28-March 04, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Ashish Kumar, N.K. Samaiya, U.C. Kothyari (2011). Flow resistance for rigid bed channels carrying cohesive wash load. Proceedings of the Conference on Recent Advancements in Civil Engineering & Infrastructural Developments [Guna, Madhya Pradesh : ], pp.71-.. Google Citation
- Ashish Kumar, N.K. Samaiya (2011). Comparative study of flow characteristics around circular compound piers in rigid bed condition. Proceedings of the Conference on Recent Advancements in Civil Engineering & Infrastructural Developments [Guna, Madhya Pradesh : ], pp.63-.. Google Citation
- N. Gupta, P. Sood, Rajinder S. Chauhan (2011). Comparative and functional genomics towards gene discovery in a nutraceutical food crop, buckwheat (Fagopyrum spp.). Proceedings of the International Plant and Animal Genomes Conference [San Diego, California, USA : January 15-19, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Vijay Kumar Garlapati, R. Banerjee, P. R. Vundavilli (2011). Integration of RSM Model for Optimization of Immobilized Lipase Mediated Solvent-free Synthesis of Flavour Ester by Genetic Algorithm (Poster). Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Information Processing [Solan, India : November 3-5, 2011], pp.1-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Gargi Dey (2011). Probiotication of high acidity juice of seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) . Proceedings of the World Congress on Biotechnology [Hyderabad, India : March 21-23, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Rahul Shrivastava, Brahm. S. Srivastavand, Ranjana Srivastava (2011). Mycobacterium fortuitum murine infection model: Persistence and Reactivation. Proceedings of the National Symposium on Current Perspectives in Animal Biotechnology [Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India : ], pp.6-.. Google Citation
- Anup Kumar, Pawan Heera, Partha Bir Barman, Raman Sharma (2011). Optical properties of Bi doped amorphous Se-Te thin films. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Condensed and Nano Materials (ICACNM-2011) [Chandigarh, India : 23-26 February, 2011], pp.329-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Krishna Kumar, Jagmeet Singh Sandhu, B. Bisht, Pragya Gupta, Ghanshyam Singh (2011). Dual-Band Dielectric Rod Antenna for Satellite Communication System. Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT 2011) [Katra, Jammu : 3-5 June, 2011], pp.242-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Shruti Jain, Pradeep K. Naik, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan (2011). Model of Protein Kinase B for Cell Survival/Death and its Equivalent Bio Circuit. Proceedings of the International Conference on Methods and Models in Science and Technology (ICM2ST‐11) [2nd : Jaipur, India : 19-20 November, 2011], pp.83-.. Google Citation
- V. Balyan, Davinder Singh Saini (2011). Flexible Assignment of OVSF Codes for Data Calls in CDMA Wireless Networks. Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT) [Katra, Jammu : 3-5 June, 2011], pp.5-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- A. Joshi, Davinder Singh Saini (2011). Performance analysis of coded-OFDM with ICI due to frequency offset. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing [3rd : Bangalore : 14-15 November, 2011], pp.47-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Ved Prakash Bhardwaj, Nitin, Vipin Tyagi (2011). An Algorithmic Approach to Minimize the Conflicts in an Optical Multistage Interconnection Network. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications [1st : Kochi, India : July 22-24, 2011], pp.568-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Shri Ram (2011). Writing in Style: Managing Bibliography with Reference Manager. Proceedings of the MANLIBNET National Convention [13 : Delhi, India : 13-15 October, 2011], pp.409-.. Google Citation
- Pradeep Kumar Naik, Nitin, Aujasvita Janmeja, Sushain Puri, Kunal Chawla, Manav Bhasin, Kunal Jain (2011). B-MIPT: A Case Tool for Biomedical Image Processing and their Classification using Nearest Neighbor and Genetic Algorithm . Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation [2 : Phnom Penh, Cambodia : 25-27 January, 2011], pp.107-.. Google Citation
- Ravi Rastogi, Nitin, Durg Singh Chauhan (2011). 3-Disjoint Paths Fault-tolerant Omega Multi-stage Interconnection Network with Reachable Sets and Coloring Scheme. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation [13 : Cambridge, UK : 30 March-1 April, 2011], pp.551-.. Google Citation
- Khushboo Mirza, Mohammad Wajid, Syed Atiqur Rahman, Abhishek Srivastava, Masoma Khatoon (2011). Reconfigurable Vlsi Architecture for Graph Color Allocation with Its Chromatic Number. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Communication, Network, and Computing [2 : Bangalore, India : March 10-11, 2011], pp.531-.. Google Citation
- Pooja Jain, Deepak Dahiya (2011). Architecture of a Library Management System Using Gaia Extended for Multi Agent Systems. Proceedings of the International Conference Information Intelligence, Systems, Technology and Management [5 : Gurgaon, India : March 10-12, 2011], pp.340-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Rachit Mohan Garg, Deepak Dahiya (2011). An Aspect Oriented Component Based Model Driven Development. Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Systems [2nd : Pahang, Malaysia : June 27-29, 2011], pp.502-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Rachit Mohan Garg, Deepak Dahiya, Ankit Tyagi, Pranav Hundoo, Raghvi Behl (2011). Aspect Oriented and Component Based Model Driven Architecture. Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications [Dijon, France : June 21-23, 2011], pp.55-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Anshul Sood, Syamala Jaya Sree P, Rajesh Siddavatam, Satya Prakash Ghrera (2011). An Intelligent Recursive Algorithm for 95%Impulse Noise Removal in Grey Scale and Binary Images using Lifting Scheme. Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science [San Francisco, USA : 19-21 October, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Esha Kumar, Satya Prakash Ghrera, Shivanka Chugh (2011). Performance Analysis of RED with different congestion control mechanisms. Proceedings of the Emerging Trends in Networks and Computer Communications, International Conference on [Udaipur, India : 22-24 April, 2011], pp.414-.. Google Citation
- Satya Prakash Ghrera (2011). Green Computing. Proceedings of the Indian Science Congress [98 : Chennai : 3-7 January 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Meenakshi S. Arya, Rajesh Siddavatam, Satya Prakash Ghrera (2011). A hybrid semi-blind digital image watermarking technique using lifting wavelet transform — Singular value decomposition. Proceedings of the Electro/Information Technology, IEEE International Conference on [Mankato, USA : 15-17 May 2011], pp.1-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Abhishek Kandwal, Sunil Kumar Khah (2011). Improved characteristics of DGS ring antenna in L-band. Proceedings of the Antennas and Propagation Conference [Loughborough, United Kingdom : 14-15 November, 2011], pp.1-.. Google Citation
- Sunil Kumar Khah (2011). Stacked element microstrip antenna array for wideband applications. Proceedings of the 98th Indian Science Congress, Engineering Section [ : ], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Rajni Mohana, Deepak Dahiya (2011). Designing QoS based Service discovery as a Fuzzy Expert System. Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Computing [4th : Noida, India : ], pp.533-.. Google Citation
- Rachit Mohan Garg, Deepak Dahiya (2011). Integrating Aspects and Reusable Components: An Archetype Driven Methodology. Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Computing [4th : Noida, India : 8-10 August, 2011], pp.543-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Rajni Mohana, Deepak Dahiya (2011). Optimized Service Discovery using QoS based Ranking: A Fuzzy Clustering and Particle Swarm Optimization Approach. Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conference [35th : Germany : ], pp.452-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Mayank Saini, Dharmendar Sharma, Pradeep Kumar Gupta (2011). Enhancing Information Retrieval Efficiency, Using Semantic based Combined Similarity Measure. Proceedings of the IEEE International conference on Image Information Processing [India : Nov - 2011], pp.1-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Pradeep Kumar Gupta, G. M. Roy, S. K. Saurabh, N. M. Upadhyay (2011). Creation of virtual node, virtual link and managing them in network virtualization. Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies [Mumbai, India : 11-14 December 2011], pp.738-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Mayank Singh, Shailendra Mishra (2011). Automated Test Data Generation for Mutation Testing Using AspectJ Programs. Proceedings of the IEEE International conference on Image Information Processing [Solan, India : ], pp.1-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Kapil Kumar, DiwakarUpadhyay (2011). Change-Oriented Adaptive Software Engineering By Using Agile Methodology: CFDD. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Network and Computer Science [India : ], pp.-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Pardeep Kumar (2011). Secure Storage Multi-Tenancy and Measuring ROI for Cloud Computing. Proceedings of the Indian Science Congress Conducted under the Agies of- Department of Science and Technology [98th : Chennai : 3-7 January], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Nitin, Shubhrangshu Naval, Abhinav Gulhar, Sayed Jeeshan Ali, Mudit Singhal (2011). An Embedded Platform for Patient Monitoring and Care System. Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Systems and Applications (ESA) [9th : Nevada, USA : July 18-21], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Shaily Mittal, Nitin (2011). Replacement Policies for Scratch Pad Memory in Embedded Systems. Proceedings of the IEEE TENCON [Bali, INDONESIA : November 21-24], pp.159-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Avinash Kumar Sharma, Nitin (2011). N-tier architecture for providing services in the Cloud. Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies [Mumbai, INDIA : December 11-14], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Sumit Kumar, Rama Chaudhary, Nitin (2011). Optimization of Routing Algorithms in Ad-hoc Networks using Swarm Intelligence. Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies [Mumbai, INDIA : December 11-14, 2011], pp.677-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Akash Punhani, Nitin (2011). A Qos Based Routing Using Genetic Algorithm. Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies [Mumbai, INDIA : December 11-14, 2011], pp.793-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Brahm Deo Sah, Yashwant Singh, Nitin (2011). Accumulation based Congestion Control Using Active Queue Management. Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies [Mumbai, INDIA : December 11-14, 2011], pp.1159-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Pardeep Kumar, Nitin, Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Durg Singh Chauhan, Monoj Diwakar (2011). Clouds: Concept to Optimize the Quality of Service (QOS) for Clusters. Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies [Mumbai, INDIA : December 11-14, 2011], pp.816-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Pardeep Kumar, Nitin, Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Kinjal Shah, Shiv Shankar Prasad Shukla, Durg Chauhan (2011). A Novel Approach for Security in Cloud Computing using Hidden Markov Model and Clustering. Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies [Mumbai, INDIA : December 11-14, 2011], pp.810-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Pardeep Kumar, Nitin, Vivek Kumar Sehgal, Durg Singh Chauhan (2011). Performance Evaluation of Decision Tree versus Artificial Neural Network based Classifiers in Diversity of Data Sets. Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies [Mumbai, INDIA : December 11-14, 2011], pp.798-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Rashmi Sharma, Nitin (2011). Duplication with Task Assignment in Mesh Distributed System Scheduling. Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies [Mumbai, INDIA : December 11-14, 2011], pp.672-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Ved Prakash Bhardwaj, Nitin (2011). Applying Address Selection Algorithm on Nonblocking Optical Multi-stage Interconnection Network. Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies [Mumbai, INDIA : December 11-14, 2011], pp.694-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Sudhir Kumar, Kumari M., Verma T., Kalia T., Rajinder S. Chauhan, Ravikanth K (2011). Solid waste management vis a vis rural community empowerment: Indian perspective. Proceedings of the In a meeting of Sigma Xi association in Rapid City [USA : 41776], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Sudhir Kumar, Kumari M, Kalia T, Rajinder S. Chauhan, Ravikanth K, Sani RK (2011). A green approach for industrial herbal waste management and its bioremediation. Proceedings of the Eastern South Dakota Water Conference [USA : ], pp.50-.. Google Citation
- Rajinder S. Chauhan, Gupta N, Panwar A, Rana JC (2011). Molecular dissection of flavonoids (rutin) biosynthesis in a nutraceutical food crop (Fagopyrumspp.). Proceedings of the Emerging Trends on Food and Health Security in Cold Dessert DIHAR [Leh : 23-25 Sept.], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Rajinder S. Chauhan, A. Sharma, P. Sood (2011). Comparative and functional genomics to decipher fatty acid biosynthesis genes in Jatropha (Jatrophacurcas) and their utilization in molecular breeding. Proceedings of the Plant & Animal Genome XI [California, USA : Jan. 15-19.], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Singhania T., Singh G., Gupta A., Tiratha Raj Singh (2011). DoMoS: Domain and Motif Server for Functional Information. Proceedings of the IFIP International Conference [IInd : Goa : Sept. 22-25], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Bhargava P., Gupta M. Gupta A., Tiratha Raj Singh (2011). WebGenPro: a Web Server for Genomic and Proteomic Analysis. Proceedings of the IFIP International Conference [IInd : Goa : Sept. 22-25], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Priya P.P., Tiratha Raj Singh (2011). Functional annotation of Alzheimers related proteins through protein-protein interactions and other in silico methods. Proceedings of the IFIP International Conference [2 : Goa : Sept. 22-25], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Neha Aggarwal, Medury Y (2011). Relationship of Human Resource Practices on Employee Performance and Job Satisfaction on University Teachers in India. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Emerging Economies: Challenges and Opportunities [Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology, Mohali : March, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Nirupma Prakash (2011). Translation as a Medium for Preservation of Culture & Social Values- Texts of Ramayana & Mahabharata. Proceedings of the Literature and Translation Conference [Monash University, Caulfield Campus, Melbourne, Australia : July 11-12, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Nirupma Prakash (2011). Socio Economic Upliftment of Rural Women through ICT. Proceedings of the Womens World 2011 Conference [Ottawa, Canada : July 3-7, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Nirupma Prakash (2011). Impact of Communication Technologies for Gender Sensitization in Rural Culture. Proceedings of the International Conference on Discourse, Communication and the Enterprise [Hong Kong Polytechnic University : September 8-10, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Nirupma Prakash (2011). Socio-economic and Transport related problems among Aged population in Rajasthan. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Socio-economics of Ageing, Institute of Ageing & Management [Lisbon Technical University, Portugal : November 4, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Neha Aggarwal, Medury Y (2011). A study on the benefit of integrating technology with management: Does it essentially nurture holistic development. Proceedings of the International Conference on Consultation and Experience Sharing on Role of Humanities and Social Sciences in Holistic Development of Future Technocrats- Looking Ahead [Solan, India : September 23-24, 2011], pp.-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Rashmi Chaudhary, S. Mishra (2011). Managing Sustainable Development Of Rural Economy and Agri Business- rural entrepreneurial model for ICT. Proceedings of the International Conference on Managing Sustainable Development of Rural Economy and Agri Business [BHU, Varanasi : January 21-23, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Rashmi Chaudhary, Sadhana Surana (2011). Role of Humanities and Social Sciences(Soft Skills, Leadership, Communication and Language) in job performance- A case study of Royal Dutch Shell Plc. Proceedings of the International Conference on Consultation and Experience Sharing on Role of Humanities and Social Sciences in Holistic Development of Future Technocrats - Looking Ahead [JUIT : September 23-24, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Neena Jindal, Yajulu Medury, Anil Sehrawat (2011). Human Rights in Democratic Countries. Proceedings of the Proc. Annual International Conference on Political Science, Sociology and International Relations (PSSIR) [Global Science and Technology Forum (GSFT), Singapore : November 7-8, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Puneet Bhushan, Kritika Choudhary, Harneet Singh (2011). Role of Financial Education for Future Technocrats. Proceedings of the International Conference on Role of Humanities and Social Sciences for Holistic Development of Future Technocrats [JUIT : September 23-24, 2011], pp.1341-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Ravi Rastogi, Rohit Verma, Nitin, Durg Singh Chauhan (2011). 3-Disjoint Paths Fault-tolerant Multi-stage Interconnection Networks. Proceedings of the Advances in Computing and Communications [Kochi : 21-24 July 2011], pp.21-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Subodh Kumar Jain, Atul Nanda (2011). Finite Element Simulations of Self-boring Pressuremeter Tests in a Soft Marine Clay. Proceedings of the Asian Regional Conference, International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering [14th : Hongkong : 23- 27 May 2011], pp.-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- A. D. John, G. Singla, S. Shukla, R. Dua (2011). Interference effect on wind loads on gable roof building. Proceedings of the The Twelfth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction [Hong Kong, China : 26 January 2011- 28 January 2011], pp.1776-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- A. D. John, A. Gairola, E. Ganju, A. Gupta (2011). Design wind loads on reinforced concrete chimney - an experimental case study. Proceedings of the The Twelfth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction [Hong Kong, China : 26 January 2011 - 28 January 2011], pp.1252-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Rajesh Goel, Ashok Kumar Gupta, A.K. Ahuja (2011). Corner Zone Wind Pressure Distribution on Inclined Canopy. Proceedings of the International Conference on Technological Advancements in Civil Engineering [Chennai, India : 19 February 2011 - 20 February 2011], pp.35-.. Google Citation
- A. Usmani, A. Nanda, Subodh Kumar Jain (2011). Analysis, Design and Construction of Large Shafts in Lateritic Soils. Proceedings of the Third Indian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference [New Delhi : 25 March 2011 - 26 March 2011], pp.293-.. Google Citation
- A. Singh, R. Goyal, Ashok Kumar Gupta, A. Ogra (2011). Greenroads: A Portrait of Sustainable Design and Construction for Indian Roads. Proceedings of the International Conference on Construction and Project Management [Singapore : 16 September 2011 - 18 September 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- A. D. John, A. Gairola, S. Banerjee, R. Ghosh, R. K. Sen (2011). Wind induced vibration of scale model of power station chimney- an experimental case study. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Wind Engineering [Netherlands : 10 July 2011 - 15 July 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- A. D. John, A. Uphadyay, A. Gairola, G. Singla (2011). Wind induced interference effect on rigid model of cooling tower. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Wind Engineering [Netherlands : 10 July 2011 - 15 July 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Ashish Kumar, U.C. Kothyari (2011). Flow characteristics within the scour hole around exposed circular compound bridge pier. Proceedings of the Conf. on Hydraulics and Water Resources [Surat : 29 December 2011 - 30 December 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Subodh Kumar Jain (2011). Roorkee polyaxial failure criterion for rocks fitted to concrete. Proceedings of the Indian Rock Conference [Roorkee : 13 October - 15 October], pp.119-.. Google Citation
- C.P. Chakravarthy, A. Nanda, Subodh Kumar Jain (2011). Three dimensional analysis of storage cavern. Proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference [Kochi : 15 December 2011 - 17 December 2011], pp.965-.. Google Citation
- G. Kannan, R. Rath, A. Nanda, Subodh Kumar Jain (2011). Geological Engineering: Approach and adoption in storage caverns. Proceedings of the Indian Rock Conference [Roorkee : 13 October - 15 October], pp.227-.. Google Citation
- Anil Kumar, Poonam, V.K. Sehgal (2011). Effectiveness of Semi-active Control of Buildings Using LQG Controller against Seismic Excitations. Proceedings of the [Department of Civil Engineering, Jaypee University of Engineering & Technology, Guna, MP, India : December 21-22, 2011], pp.68-.. Google Citation
- Akash Khillan, Anil Kumar, Ashok Kumar Gupta (2011). Green Buildings for Hilly Regions. Proceedings of the [Department of Civil Engineering, Jaypee University of Engineering & Technology, Guna, MP, India : December 21-22, 2011], pp.1-.. Google Citation
- Kapil Dutt, Ashok Kumar Gupta, Rajesh Goyal, Anil Kumar (2011). Rock Supports and their Productivity in Tunneling Projects. Proceedings of the [ : ], pp.G-7-.. Google Citation
- Pawan Kumar, Rajesh Kumar, S.C. Katyal, Sunil Kumar Khah (2011). Coating of magnetite nanoparticles on sand particles by chemical co-precipitation method. Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science [ : October 08-10, 2011.], pp.-.. Google Citation
- K. Kumar, Pankaj Sharma, SS Bhatt, N. Thakur (2011). Thermal and optical study of Te15(Se100-xBix)85 (x = 0, 1, 3) chalcogenide glasses. Proceedings of the International symposium on semiconductor materials and devices (ISSMD 2011 [The M. S. University of Baroda, Vadodara : January 28-30, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- S. Kumar, Dheeraj Sharma, Pankaj Sharma, Vineet Sharma, Partha Bir Barman, S.C. Katyal (2011). Structural and optical study of chemical bath deposited nano-structured CdS films. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Condensed & Nano Materials [Panjab University, Chandigarh, India : 23-26 February, 2011 ], pp.179-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Sunanda Sharda, Neha Sharma, Pankaj Sharma, Vineet Sharma (2011). Theoretical Calculation of Glass Transition Temperatures for SbSeGe System. Proceedings of the National Conference on Research methods in Science, Technology and Management (REMET-2011) [Green Hills Engineering College, Kumarhatti, Solan HP, India : March 26 -27, 2011.], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Pankaj Sharma, P. Kumar, Vineet Sharma (2011). Glass Stability Study of Ge-Se-Sb Using Differential Thermal Analysis. Proceedings of the National Conference on Research methods in Science, Technology and Management (REMET-2011) [Green Hills Engineering College, Kumarhatti, Solan HP, India : March 26 -27, 2011.], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Vineet Sharma, Poonam Sharma, Pankaj Sharma (2011). Photocurrent Study with Heat Treatment in SeTeSn Thin Film. Proceedings of the National Conference on Research methods in Science, Technology and Management (REMET-2011) [Green Hills Engineering College, Kumarhatti, Solan HP, India : March 26 -27, 2011.], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Neha Sharma, Sunanda Sharda, Vineet Sharma, Pankaj Sharma (2011). Chemical Bond Distribution and Cohesive Energy of Ge19Se81-xSbx System. Proceedings of the National Conference on Research methods in Science, Technology and Management (REMET-2011) [Green Hills Engineering College, Kumarhatti, Solan HP, India : March 26 -27, 2011.], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Rajneesh Kumar, Pankaj Sharma, V.S. Rangra (2011). Physical and Thermal Properties of Se-Te-Sn Glassy System. Proceedings of the National Conference on Research methods in Science, Technology and Management (REMET-2011) [Green Hills Engineering College, Kumarhatti, Solan HP, India : March 26 -27, 2011.], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Suresh Kumar, Pankaj Sharma, Vineet Sharma (2011). Band Gap Study of Chemical Bath Deposited CdS Thin Films. Proceedings of the National Conference on Research methods in Science, Technology and Management (REMET-2011) [Green Hills Engineering College, Kumarhatti, Solan HP, India : March 26 -27, 2011.], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Pawan Heera, Anup Kumar, Pankaj Sharma, Raman Sharma (2011). To Study the Optical Properties of Se30Te70-xSnx Thin Films. Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science (RTMS-11) [JUIT Waknaghat : October 8-10, 2012], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Anup Kumar, Pawan Heera, Pankaj Sharma, Partha Bir Barman, Raman Sharma (2011). Effect of Sb Addition on the Optical Constants of Amorphous Se-Bi-Te Thin Films. Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science (RTMS-11) [JUIT Waknaghat : October 8-10, 2012], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Suresh Kumar, Pankaj Sharma, Vineet Sharma, S. C. Katyal, Partha Bir Barman (2011). XRD Analysis of Chemical Bath Deposited CdS Nanofilms. Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science (RTMS-11) [JUIT Waknaghat : October 8-10, 2012], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Dheeraj Sharma, Pankaj Sharma, Nagesh Thakur (2011). Optical Study of Spun Cast Polystyrene Thin Film. Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science (RTMS-11) [JUIT Waknaghat : October 8-10, 2012], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Sunanda Sharda, Neha Sharma, Pankaj Sharma, Partha Bir Barman, Vineet Sharma (2011). Oscillator Parameters of Germanium Antimony Selenide Thin Films. Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science [JUIT Waknaghat : October 8-10, 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Rajneesh Kumar, Pankaj Sharma, V. S. Rangra (2011). Far-Infrared and DSC Study of Se92Te8-xSnx (x=0, 2and 4) Chalcogenide Glasses. Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science (RTMS-11) [JUIT Waknaghat : October 8-10, 2011 ], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Neha Sharma, Sunanda Sharda, Vineet Sharma, Partha Bir Barman, Pankaj Sharma (2011). Effect of Sb on Dispersion Parameters of Ge - Se Chalcogenide Thin Films. Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science (RTMS-11) [JUIT Waknaghat : October 8-10, 2011 ], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Vineet Sharma, Poonam Sharma, Pankaj Sharma (2011). Heating Changes on the Photoconductive Behaviour of SeTeSn Thin Film. Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science (RTMS-11) [JUIT Waknaghat : October 8-10, 2011 ], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Varun Mishra, Parikshit Sharma, Sunain Katoch, Vinay Kumar, Pankaj Sharma, V.S.Rangra (2011). Luminescence Studies of CaS Nanophosphors Doped with Ce3+ . Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science (RTMS-11) [JUIT Waknaghat : October 8-10, 2011 ], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Rachit Patel, Harpreet Parashar, Mohammad Wajid (2011). Faster Arithmetic and Logical Unit CMOS Design with Reduced Number of Transistors. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Communication, Network, and Computing [2nd : Bangalore, India : March 10-11, 2011], pp.519-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Mohammad Wajid, Mohammad Waris Abdullah, Omar Farooq (2011). Imprinted Braille-Character Pattern Recognition using Image Processing Techniques. Proceedings of the Image Information Processing, International Conference on [Solan, Himachal Pradesh : 3-5 November, 2011], pp.1-.. Google Citation
- Bhasker Gupta, Gagan Gupta, Davinder Singh Saini (2011). BER performance improvement in OFDM system with ZFE and MMSE equalizers. Proceedings of the Electronics Computer Technology (ICECT-11 [ : ], pp.193-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Bhasker Gupta, Davinder Singh Saini (2011). BER analysis of space-frequency block coded MIMO-OFDM systems using different equalizers in Quasi-static mobile radio channel. Proceedings of the Communication Systems and Network Technologies [Jammu, India : 3-5 June, 2011], pp.520-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Bhasker Gupta, Davinder Singh Saini (2011). BER analysis of ST-block coded MIMO-OFDM systems with frequency domain equalization in Quasi-static mobile channels. Proceedings of the India Conference (INDICON-2011 [India : December 16-18, 2011], pp.1-.. Google Citation
- Viranjay M. Srivastava, Shivender Mehta (2011). Heart beats rate monitor using IC. Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Advances in Microwave Tubes, Devices and Communication Systems (NCRA-MTDCS-2011 [India : 4 March 2011 - 5 March 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Viranjay M. Srivastava, Sharad P. Singh (2011). Low jitter PLL frequency synthesizer. Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Advances in Microwave Tubes, Devices and Communication Systems (NCRA-MTDCS-2011 [India : 4 March 2011 - 5 March 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Viranjay M. Srivastava, K. S. Yadav, Ghanshyam Singh (2011). Characterization of RF CMOS with virtual instrumentation. Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Advances in Microwave Tubes, Devices and Communication Systems (NCRA-MTDCS-2011 [India : 4 March 2011 - 5 March 2011], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Viranjay M. Srivastava, K. S. Yadav, Ghanshyam Singh (2011). An approach for the design of cylindrical surrounding double-gate MOSFET. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies for Wireless Communications [Beijing, China : 1-3 November, 2011], pp.313-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Viranjay M. Srivastava, K. S. Yadav, Ghanshyam Singh (2011). Drain current and switching speed of the double-pole four-throw RF CMOS switch. Proceedings of the Annual IEEE India Conference [India : 16-18 December 2011], pp.1-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- R. N. Tiwari, R. Dhiman, Pradeep Kumar (2011). A Novel U-Slot Loaded Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna. Proceedings of the Int. Conference on Information, Communications and Embedded Systems [Chennai, India : ], pp.-.. Google Citation
- Pradeep Kumar (2011). Gap-coupled circular microstrip patch antenna for 60 GHz millimeter wave applications. Proceedings of the Millimeter Wave Days [Finland : ], pp.-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- N. Tiwari, Pradeep Kumar, N. Bisht (2011). Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna with Photonic Band Gap Crystal for 60 GHz Communications. Proceedings of the Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium [China : ], pp.856-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- N. Bisht, Pradeep Kumar (2011). A Dual Band Fractal Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna for C-band Applications. Proceedings of the Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium [China : ], pp.852-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Pradeep Kumar, N. Bisht (2011). Stacked Coupled Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna for Dual Band Applications. Proceedings of the Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium [China : ], pp.629-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- S. Kapoor, Ghanshyam Singh (2011). Non-cooperative spectrum sensing: a hybrid model approach. Proceedings of the International Conference on Devices and Communications [India : 24-25 February 2011], pp.1-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- H. Parashar, Ghanshyam Singh (2011). Effects of capacitive and inductive coupling on interconnects at RF frequencies. Proceedings of the International Conference on Devices and Communications [India : 24-25 February 2011], pp.1-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Viranjay M. Srivastava, K. S. Yadav, Ghanshyam Singh (2011). Effects of gate finger on Double-Gate MOSFET for RF switch at 45-nm technology. Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication System and Networking technology (CSNT-2011) [India : 3-5 June, 2011], pp.464-.. Google Citation
- K R Jha, Ghanshyam Singh (2011). Microstrip low pass filter using hexagonal patch with wide stopband. Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication System and Networking technology (CSNT-2011) [India : 3 June 2011 - 5 June 2011], pp.250-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- K R Jha, Ghanshyam Singh (2011). Ring-resonator hemi-elliptical lense antenna for terahertz frequency. Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication System and Networking technology (CSNT-2011) [India : 3 June 2011 - 5 June 2011], pp.236-.. Google Citation
- S Kapoor, S.V.R.K Rao, Ghanshyam Singh (2011). Opportunistic spectrum sensing by employing matched filter in cognitive radio network. Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication System and Networking technology (CSNT-2011) [India : 3 June 2011 - 5 June 2011], pp.580-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Vivek K Dwivedi, Ghanshyam Singh (2011). Analysis of channel capacity of generalized-K fading with maximal ratio combining diversity receivers. Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication System and Networking technology (CSNT-2011) [India : 3 June 2011 - 5 June 2011], pp.550-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- S.V.R.K Rao, Ghanshyam Singh (2011). An algorithm for channel assignment in a wireless communication system. Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication System and Networking technology (CSNT-2011) [Katra, Jammu, India : 3 June 2011 - 5 June 2011], pp.95-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Viranjay M. Srivastava, K. S. Yadav, Ghanshyam Singh (2011). Possibilities of HfO2 for Double-Pole Four-Throw Double-Gate RF CMOS Switch. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies for Wireless Communications [Beijing, China : 1-3 November 2011], pp.309-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- V. Balyan, Davinder Singh Saini (2011). Code Assignment and Reassignment to reduce new code blocking in WCDMA networks. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Software Telecommunication and Computer Networks [Croatia : 15-17 September 2011], pp.-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- V. Balyan, Davinder Singh Saini (2011). Multi Code Assignment with Minimum Number of Rakes for OVSF CDMA. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Software Telecommunication and Computer Networks [Croatia : 15-17 September 2011], pp.-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
- Alok Joshi, Davinder Singh Saini (2011). Performance Analysis Of Coded-OFDM with RS-CC and Turbo codes in Various Fading Environment . Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference (ICIMU-2011) [Malaysia : 14 November 2011 - 16 November 2011], pp.1-.. Google Citation
- Alok Joshi, Davinder Singh Saini (2011). PAPR Analysis of Coded- OFDM System and Mitigating its Effect with Clipping, SLM and PTS . Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference (ICIMU-2011) [Malaysia : 14 November 2011 - 16 November 2011], pp.1-.. Google Citation
- Shruti Jain, Pradeep K. Naik, Sunil Vidya Bhooshan (2011). Non linear Modeling of cell survival/ death using Aritificial neural network. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN2011) [Gwalior, India : 07 - 09 October 2011], pp.565-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation