JPubDB : JUIT Publication Database
Book(s) :
- D.C. Kulshreshtha (2004). Electronic Devices and Circuits(2nd ed.) Delhi : New Age Publishers. [ISBN : 9788122415414] . Google Search
Journal(s) :
- L.C. Gupta, S.K. Singla, Chanderdeep Tandon, R.K. Jethi (2004). Mg 2+: a potent inhibitor of collagenâ€induced in vitro mineralization. Magnesium Research, 17 (2), 67-71, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Talwar H.S., Singla S.K., Chanderdeep Tandon, Jethi R.K. (2004). Effect of nucleoside-5-phosphates on collagen-induced in vitro mineralization. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 42 (8), 844-, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
- Chanderdeep Tandon, De Lisle R.C. (2004). Apactin is involved in remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton during regulated exocytosis. European Journal of Cell Biology, 83 (2), 79-89, DOI: [SCOPUS , SCI ]. Google Citation
Conference(s) :
- Ashok Subramanian, Nitin (2004). On a Performance of Multi-stage Interconnection Network. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication [12 : Gujarat, India : December 15-18, 2004], pp.73-.. Google Citation
- Sunil Kumar Khah (2004). Effect of substrate permittivity on the radiation performance of circular array of microstrip circular patch antenna. Proceedings of the International Conference on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and Remote Sensing [Jodhpur : November 23-25, 2004], pp.-.. Google Citation