Technical co-sponsors

Final Manuscript (Camera-ready) Submission

Final Manuscript (Camera-ready) submission instructions

Authors of “accepted papers” must submit the camera-ready manuscripts, in PDF* format, after incorporating the reviewers comments by 10th July 2015 and must be uploaded only through your current easychair paper page (If you are unable to upload using easychair page, send the pdf copy of your paper to Please ensure that your camera-ready manuscript complies with the IEEE paper format specified for IEEE conferences at
It is highly recommended that you use the templates available at the above link to avoid undue problems in preparing your final manuscript.

*Checking your PDF for IEEE Xplore compliance

You are highly recommended to use PDF eXpress to ensure IEEE Xplore compliance of your manuscript. It is MANDATORY to check your final manuscript PDF for IEEE Xplore compliance using PDF eXpress and upload your final manuscript on easychair ONLY after it passes the PDF check. Instructions on how to access and use IEEE PDF eXpress are available at the bottom of this page. PAPERS WHICH ARE NOT IEEE XPLORE COMPLIANT CANNOT APPEAR ON IEEE XPLORE


IEEE Copyright Form Submission

STEP 1: Download the IEEE Copyright Form for 2015 ISPCC. 
Click here: (WORD/PDF) 

STEP 2: Please Rename your IEEE Copyright Form with your paper ID.    (ID_copyr.PDF) 

STEP 3: Send the scanned copy of  fully-completed  and signed  IEEE copyright form to (on or before 10th July, 2015) .


At least one author must register on or before 15th July 2015 to include the paper in the conference.
For details on the registration process, 
please click :

STEP 1: Download the Registration form  for 2015 ISPCC.
Click Here: 

STEP 2 : Please Rename your Registration Form with your paper ID.

STEP 3 : Send the scanned copy of the fully completed Registration form to (on or before 15th July, 2015).

**Important Messages**

  1. It is to inform you that IEEE is concerned about increase in plagiarism cases especially in the conferences. Therefore, you are requested to check your accepted manuscript for plagiarism. Organizers will also be checking your manuscript for the same and if paper is under plagiarism it will be removed from the proceedings even if it is registered and the case will be considered as plagiarism case. You are again requested to take care of IEEE standards.
  2. Only presented papers will be published in IEEE xplore.
  3. If an author is registering under IEEE Membership/student category, scanned copy of the valid proof must be sent along with the registration form.