2012 IEEE International Conference
Signal Processing, Computing and Control
March 15-17, 2012
Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat

Special Sessions

You are also invited to organize special sessions, by sending a request to
ispcc11@easychair.org. The Organizer of a special session will be the Chair for that session. Minimum requirement to hold a special session is 4 manuscripts . The Proposals for sessions will be reviewed by an independent committee comprising of academicians and industry experts, whose decision will stand final.  Session chairs can advertise their sessions for manuscript submission upon approval.

A link for the session will be provided at the official web site of the conference. The manuscripts will be uploaded through the official webpage. After uploading the manuscript, authors should send an email to the organizing chair of special session.

Special Session-1: OCR Techniques for Indian Scripts
Chair: Dr. Manish Kumar Jindal
Associate Professor
Computer science and Applications
Punjab University Regional Center
Muktsar, Punjab.

Session-2 : Emerging Trends in Signal & Image Processing
Chair: Dr.R.Harikumar
Professor ECE
Bannari Amman Institute of Technology

Session-3   Trends in On-Chip Communication Networks
Chair: Mohammad Ayoub Khan
Centre for   Development of   Advanced   Computing(C-DAC)

Session-4 : Design, Modeling and Simulation of MEMS Devices 
Chair: Dr.Vaishali B.Mungurwadi  
Professor and Head,Instrumentation Technology,  
B.V.Bhoomaraddi College of Engineering & Technology  
Vidyanagar, HUBLI - 580 031, Karnataka, INDIA 

Submit manuscripts: Manuscript Submission