Biotechnology and Bioinformatics

Dr. Poonam Sharma

Dr. Poonam Sharma
Associate Professor
( 91) 01792-239402
For More Information Click here

Biography :
  • Associate Professor, Department of BT/BI/Pharm., Jaypee University of Information and Technology, Waknaghat, Distt. Solan (HP) .
  • Lecturer in Chemistry (14 July 2008 to Nov 2009), Department of Chemistry, Shoolini Institute of life sciences and Business management, Bhajole, Solan (HP). (one year and four months)
  • Lecturer in Chemistry, (Jul. 2005 to Jun 2008) (for alternate semesters) Department of Civil Engineering, JUIT, Waknaghat, Solan (HP). (two years)
  • Project Fellow (Nov. 2002 to March 2005) of Major project sanctioned by UGC, New Delhi at the Department of Chemistry, HP University , Shimla. (three years)
Author Publication Profile:
Journal(s) :
Conference(s) :
  • Vikrant Abbot, Poonam Sharma (2017). Thermodynamic studies of quercetin with sodium dodecyl sulphate, Tween 20 and Tween 80 in ethanol-water solvent systems. Proceedings of the [Chitkara University, Rajpura : 22 - 24 December, 2017], pp.-.. Google Citation
  • Anmol, Anubhav, Poonam Sharma (2017). Analysis of Surfactant Micelles and their Interaction with Antimicrobial Drug i.e. Itraconazole for Potential Pharmaceutical Application.. Proceedings of the National Conference [Maharaja Agarsen University, Baddi (HP) : 4 March 2017], pp.-.. Google Citation
  • Ashwina, Akshay, Saurabh Bansal, Poonam Sharma (2017). Comparative Interaction Study of Amylase and Surfactants for Potential Detergent Formulation.. Proceedings of the National Conference [Maharaja Agarsen University, Baddi, H. P. India : 4 March 2017], pp.-.. Google Citation