Biotechnology and Bioinformatics

Dr. Poonam Sharma

Dr. Poonam Sharma
Associate Professor
( 91) 01792-239402
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Biography :
  • Associate Professor, Department of BT/BI/Pharm., Jaypee University of Information and Technology, Waknaghat, Distt. Solan (HP) .
  • Lecturer in Chemistry (14 July 2008 to Nov 2009), Department of Chemistry, Shoolini Institute of life sciences and Business management, Bhajole, Solan (HP). (one year and four months)
  • Lecturer in Chemistry, (Jul. 2005 to Jun 2008) (for alternate semesters) Department of Civil Engineering, JUIT, Waknaghat, Solan (HP). (two years)
  • Project Fellow (Nov. 2002 to March 2005) of Major project sanctioned by UGC, New Delhi at the Department of Chemistry, HP University , Shimla. (three years)
Author Publication Profile:
Journal(s) :
Conference(s) :
  • Varun Bhardwaj, Poonam Sharma (2013). Prosecution of Butylated Hydroxyanisole/Butylated Hydroxytoluene-SDS (Antioxidant-Surfactant) Interaction by Conductometric profiling & utilizing in Gel Formulation:. Proceedings of the International conference on “Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences [Rayat Institute of Pharmacy, SBS Nagar, Punjab, : (21-23 March 2012)], pp.-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
  • Varun Bhardwaj, Poonam Sharma (2013). Lipophilic Molecules with Anionic Surfactant: A Physicochemical Examination for Utilization in Topical Gel Formulation. Proceedings of the GTU sponsored International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Drug Research and Development [Shree Dhanvantary Pharmacy College, KIM, Surat, Gujarat, : 30-31, March 2013], pp.-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
  • Varun Bhardwaj, Poonam Sharma (2013). Impact of BHA on SDS properties: A thermo-acoustic exploration for utilization in topical formulation:. Proceedings of the APICENS-2013, Asia-Pacific Conference on Engineering and Natural sciences, International Conference [APICENS-2013, Asia-Pacific Conference on Engineering and Natural sciences, International Conference, Thailand : (16-18, April 2013)], pp.-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
  • Varun Bhardwaj , Poonam Sharma, Shailesh Sharma, S. Chauhan (2013). Antioxidants and ethoxylated alkylphenol (Triton X-100) in hydroalcoholic solutions: Interactional examination, gel formulation and broad spectrum antifungal evaluation. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Advancement, Challenges & Opportunities in Pharmaceutical Research, [Amar Shaheed Baba Ajit Jujhar Singh Memorial College of pharmacy,Bela (Ropar) : 18-20 Oct. 2013], pp.-.. Google Citation
  • Tarun Bhardwaj , Varun Bhardwaj , Abhishek Gupta, Poonam Sharma (2013). Fluconazole-loaded ethosomes: Physico-chemical characterization and antifungal evaluation. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Advancement, Challenges & Opportunities in Pharmaceutical Research [Amar Shaheed Baba Ajit Jujhar Singh Memorial College of pharmacy, Bela (Ropar) : 18-20 Oct. 2013], pp.-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
  • Abhishek Gupta, Varun Bhardwaj, Tarun Bhardwaj, Poonam Sharma (2013). Preparation, characterization and antifungal evaluation of terbinafine hydrochloride ethosomes . Proceedings of the National Seminar on Advancement, Challenges & Opportunities in Pharmaceutical Research, [ : 18-20 Oct. 2013], pp.-. [SCOPUS]. Google Citation
  • S. Chauhan, Kundan Sharma, V.K. Syal, Poonam Sharma, V. Bhardwaj (2013). Effect of temperature and additives on the critical micelle concentration and thermodynamics of micelle formation of sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate and dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide in aqueous solution: A conductometric study. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Frontiers in Polymer Science: [ : Dec 12-13, 2013], pp.-.. Google Citation