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Jaypee University of Information Technology
Waknaghat, Solan, H.P. - 173234


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1.Marine acoustics: direct and inverse problems
2.Mathematica laboratories for mathematical statistics: emphasizing simulation and computer intensive methods
3.Mathematical analysis of viscoelastic flows
4.Mathematical and computational techniques for multilevel adaptive methods
5.Mathematical aspects of geometric modeling
6.Mathematical aspects of numerical grid generation
7.Mathematical biofluiddynamics
8.Mathematical control theory of coupled PDEs
9.Mathematical methods in image reconstruction
10.Mathematical modeling in optical science
11.Mathematical modelling: classroom notes in applied mathematics
12.Mathematical models in biology
13.Mathematical models: mechanical vibrations, population dynamics, and traffic flow: an introduction to applied mathematics
14.Mathematical optimization and economic theory
15.Mathematical principles of optical fiber communications
16.Mathematical problems in linear viscoelasticity
17.Mathematical problems in the biological sciences
18.Mathematical theories of populations: demographics, genetics, and epidemics
19.Mathematical theory of reliability
20.Mathematics applied to continuum mechanics
21.Mathematics applied to deterministic problems in the natural sciences
22.Mathematics in industry: challenges and frontiers: a process view: practice and theory
23.Mathematics of genetic diversity
24.MATLAB guide, Second Edition
25.Matrix algorithms volume I: basic decompositions
26.Matrix algorithms volume II: eigensystems
27.Matrix analysis and applied linear algebra
28.Matrix analysis for scientists and engineers
29.Matrix methods in data mining and pattern recognition
30.Methods and applications of interval analysis
31.Methods for solving systems of nonlinear equations
32.Methods of dynamic and nonsmooth optimization
33.Methods of mathematical economics: linear and nonlinear programming, fixed-point theorems
34.Mining imperfect data: dealing with contamination and incomplete records
35.Multigrid methods
36.Multilevel adaptive methods for partial differential equations
37.Multilevel projection methods for partial differential equations
38.Multiple decision procedures: theory and methodology of selecting and ranking populations
39.Multivariate approximation theory: selected topics
40.Multivariate splines
41.Multivariate statistical process control with industrial applications