
  • As a user you need to enter correct measurements for the various Biochemical and Histopathological parameters enlisted in the Upload Data tab.
  • Various specifications are mentioned if any, corressponding to the format needed for a particul parameter. This data will then be send to Cancer Cache - A Clinical Cancer Data Warehouse, where it will be stored so that it can be used for further analysis.
  • Once you enter your data and click the submit button, a Patient_id will be generated that will be displayed along with the rest of the information you have entered. This Patient_id is a unique id that helps in maintaining your personal health record.
  • You can go for further analysis using our prediction tool. This tool uses the data you have entered for giving a probablistic measure of the chance of occurrence of a particular kind of cancer.

Note:The results are not 100% accurate, kindly please consult a physician for making any conclusion.
Note:All the information you have eneterd will be confidential and will not be shared with anybody.